Awarded to four new and four returning graduate students annually who have proven records of academic and personal achievements and superior professional promise. Financial need is not a factor.*
The Excellence Scholarship is an 18 credit tuition waiver that is applied over the course of one academic year. Funds will be available beginning in the fall semester.
The Excellence Scholarship is only available to full-time graduate students studying on our main campus in Springfield, Mass. Students enrolled in online programs are ineligible for this scholarship.
Awarded to 8 students annually who have an exceptional record of community engagement and service, as well as clearly defined commitments to enter a field after graduation where community leadership is central. Financial need is not a factor.*
Students receiving this scholarship will receive $5,000 annually for two consecutive years of study.
The Community Leadership Scholarship is only available to full-time graduate students on our main campus in Springfield, Mass. Students enrolled in online programs are ineligible for this scholarship.
Awarded to 8 graduate students actively working to address issues related to diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice. Financial need is not a factor.*
Students receiving this scholarship will receive $5,000 annually for two consecutive years of full-time study.
The Promise Scholarship is is only available to full-time graduate students on our main campus in Springfield, Mass. Students enrolled in online programs are ineligible for this scholarship.
Awarded to master’s degree candidates who earned their undergraduate degree from Springfield College and doctoral degree candidates who earned their master’s degree from Springfield College (athletic training, physical therapy, physician assistant studies, and occupational therapy students are not eligible). Financial need is not a factor.
$2,000 annually for two years of full-time study
No application required. Awarded at the time of acceptance to qualified candidates. Returning graduate students are not eligible.
This grant is available to Athletic Training, Physical Therapy, Physician Assistant Studies, and Occupational Therapy graduate students if they received a bachelor’s degree from Springfield College.
Graduate students in year five and/or six receive a $10,000 award in place of their undergraduate merit scholarship.
No application is necessary.
Breakdown of Scholarships
A one-time award of $2,000 (split between the first two semesters of the first year) to any enrolling student seeking a degree (at least 6 semester credits for an undergraduate and 4.5 credits for a graduate) who has a child, sibling, parent, or grandparent (including step-family members) who is a previous graduate or currently enrolled student of Springfield College, main campus or online.(Only one award per student regardless of the number of family members attending or previously receiving degrees.)
No application required. Awarded at the time of acceptance to qualified candidates. Returning graduate students are not eligible.
Springfield College will match the MGM Resorts Scholarship Program of $2,500 to any child of an MGM employee, with a $2,500 MGM Matching Grant. The $2,500 from Springfield College will be disbursed in the first academic year ($1,250 over two semesters).
*Please note that this grant cannot be combined other Springfield College grant, scholarship, or tuition waiver programs where total institutional assistance exceeds the billed cost of tuition for any period of enrollment. These grants cannot be combined with the Springfield College Grant Aid awarded to rising PT, OT, MBA and PA students. In the case of the Excellence Scholarship for Graduate Study, this grant will replace the Springfield College Grant Aid for the term(s) that it is awarded.
Please note: Scholarships and their respective monetary values are subject to change by Springfield College at any time.
This scholarship is for Rehabilitation Counseling students at Springfield College and has been made possible by a federal long-term training grant from the Rehabilitation Services Administration, U.S. Department of Education. The RSA scholarship can fund up to 12 credits of students’ tuition per year and provide a stipend each semester. As part of payback requirements, students who receive RSA funding are required to work full time within the public rehabilitation program post-completion of their master’s program.
Students may submit their completed RSA scholarship application, current resumé, and a statement of interest to the Rehabilitation Counseling Program Director and RSA grant Project Director, Dr. Kathleen Green, at